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5 Best books on personal finance to read this year

5 Best books on personal finance to read this year

#2 How investing in gold will make you rich - The richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason

#2 How investing in gold will make you rich - The richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason  

#2 How investing in gold will make you rich - The richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason

In to today's world gold is the great way to invest. Many of us are using this precious opportunity to be rich using gold investment. As investing in gold is come up with doubt which is arises from few decades that is investing in gold is safe? Is investing in gold will make us rich? No one has to the perfect answer of all these questions. But we know that old is always gold. So, the answer of all these questions lies in the ancient time. Don't worry you don't have read or study the history we all done this for you so make sure to get benefit of it.
"A part of all you earn is yours to keep" - George S. Clason
In ancient time there was the city name Babylon and it is the richest city of that time. This city becomes rich with his people's effort. People of this city discovered some principle of gold which will help them to be the richest city of their time. These principles are evergreen use it to be rich.
"Man of action is favored by goddess of good luck" - George S. Clason

 So we are come up with these principles for you. If you are beginner in wealth building then we recommend you to read this book. Believe us this book has the one and only way for your all financial problem.

This is the continuation to the series the richest man in Babylon.

Let's start our today's blog titled, "#2 How investing in gold will make you rich - The richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason ".

5 laws of gold investment

1. Gold will come and in increasing quantity

#2 How investing in gold will make you rich - The richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason

Gold come gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth of his earning to create an estate for his future and that of his family. If any man put one-tenth of his earning in making estate and creating wealth then his wealth will grow and he will be able to make more money using his gold. If you really want to be rich then always keep at least one-tenth of your earning and invest this to grow your wealth and make money from that money. 

2. Gold makes gold 

#2 How investing in gold will make you rich - The richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason

Gold work diligently for his wise owner who finds for its profitable employment, multiplying even as the money multiplies. Gold is also like money. As if you spend money then are will run away if you keep it then it will decrease but if you invest it and make it to work for you then it will multiply constantly and make you more money. Same goes with the gold if you get some gold and save it in your locker the in the long run the price of it will reduce. Always let you gold to multiply and buy more of its child and that child will work and buy another child for you 

3. Gold wants protection from its owner

#2 How investing in gold will make you rich - The richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason

Gold want protection from its owner who invest it under the advice of men wise in its handling. If the owner of the gold is careless then it will flee away from him. The man who gets advice from the person who is wise in handling gold will learn from him about protection gold and investing in right place. So, using the advice of wise man he will protect the gold and enjoy its consistent increase. Get advice from the person who is wise in handling gold.

4. Gold slips away from its careless owner

#2 How investing in gold will make you rich - The richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason

Gold slips away from the man who invests it in the business with which he is not familiar or which are not approved by his skills. Many men who have gold don't know the use of it. They invest it in the investment which they are not familiar with they invest because there friend told them that it is a great investment. Sometimes man will invest in these funds because of his own want for more return. In the end he will ended up with loss of all of his gold. Always invest in the things you do understand and are familiar with.

5. Protect your gold investment from your desire

#2 How investing in gold will make you rich - The richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason

Gold flees away from the man who force it to impossible earnings or who follows the advice of schemers who just want his own profit. When man has gold then the desire of multiplying it quickly appears in his mind and he wants to multiply his gold rapidly. When the man wants to earn amount which is impossible to earn for his gold then he lost all his wealth because of his own desire of higher returns. Don't go too crazy for returns always prefer safety over the returns. When you invest safely with less return then in the long run your wealth will be way bigger than the person who risks his gold for bigger return.

There are so many ways to invest your gold in safe and increasing investments like gold stocks, gold etf, and gold bonds and so on. We are soon launching a blog on best gold investment. So make sure to subscribe to our blogs.

This is the 5 laws of gold that will help you to multiply your gold and be rich. These laws are taken from book the richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason. If you haven't read this book yet make sure to read it. This book is the highly influential and full of practical steps which will help you to get financial freedom and be in the richest person category. So make sure to read this book.

So this is our blog on, "How investing in gold will make you rich - The richest man in Babylon by George S. Clason".
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